WPF Grand Prix 16

WPF Sudoku Grand Prix 2016

WCPN (actually: Richard Stolk & Arvid Baars) created all the puzzles for the first WPF Sudoku Grand Prix in 2016.
WPF Sudoku GP 16 Puzzles
WPF Sudoku GP 16 Solutions

WPF Puzzle Grand Prix 2016
WCPN (actually: Bram de Laat) created all the puzzles for the 7th WPF Puzzle Grand Prix in 2016.

WPF Puzzle GP 16 Puzzles part 1 – casual

WPF Puzzle GP 16 Puzzles part 2 – competitive

WPF Puzzle GP 16 Solutions


WCPN is member of the World Puzzle Federation (WPF) on behalf of The Netherlands.

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