WPF Grand Prix 15
WPF Sudoku Grand Prix 2015
WCPN (actually: Richard Stolk) created all the puzzles for the first WPF Sudoku Grand Prix in 2015.
Almost 500 players took part in this first round. Tiit Vunk from Estonia solved all puzzles in less than one hour and won. Bram de Laat was the best Dutch player.
All results can be found here: WPF Sudoku Grand Prix 2015
WPF Sudoku GP 15 Puzzles
WPF Sudoku GP 15 Solutions
WPF Puzzle Grand Prix 2015
WCPN (actually: Richard Stolk & Hns Eendebak) created all the puzzles for the 4th WPF Puzzle Grand Prix in 2015.
Over 300 players took part in this 4th round. Ken Endo from Japan solved 23 puzzles (out of 24) in 1:16:49 and won. Bram de Laat was the best Dutch player.
All results can be found here: WPF Puzzle Grand Prix 2015
WPF Puzzle GP 15 Puzzles
WPF Puzzle GP 15 Solutions